
Independent news on Global Voices Online

February 2008 -

The Global Voices portal is amazingly large and has no less than fifty different topics that are important to bloggers throughout the world.


Ghetto Radio

February 2008 -

Young Kenyans report on current events from the slums of Nairobi.


Peru's Indian population films inside stories

January 2008 -

The Proyecto Amauta works from the Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas in Cusco and stimulates skills with audio-visual resources in the region.


Youth broadcasting company in Lima wants to reach all of Peru

january 2008 -

No Apto Para Adultos – Not Suitable for Adults has good prospects in a country where more than forty percent of the population is younger than nineteen. NAPA, which is still operating regionally, wants to become therefore a broadcasting company for all Peruvians.


Conciliation film project about Sri Lanka's civil war

December 2007 -

Hectic times for film maker Kasinathar Gnanadas from Sri Lanka and his multi-ethnic film team: Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims work peacefully side by side to make a TV drama about their country's civil war.


Favela culture on the Internet

December 2007 -

The web portal Viva Favela shows that life in Rio de Janeiro's slums is more than violence and poverty alone.


Ogova Ondego: "Make children aware of the influence of film"

November 2007 -

Kenyan film critic and organizer Ogova Ondego on similarities and differences between children's film festivals in Africa and Western Europe.


Indian prostitutes speak out in their own magazine

October 2007 -

Every month in a Mumbai brothel, a group of women meets to plan, write, collate stories and publish a magazine.


Tatarstan Muslim film festival supported widely

October 2007 -

The Golden Minbar festival, which was held in Kazan in September 2007, offered a cinematographic cross section of the Muslim world.


Images of ecstasy and tranquillity with Act of Faith

October 2007 -

Photographers from all over the world show their vision of religion.

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